
ASSIGNMENT: Design a spread (two facing pages) and cover for the magazine: EYE which not only tells the reader about either Jan Tschichold’s or an Offset designer’s work but also reflects the designer’s style. Use the written copy from your techniques and processes module, select appropriate imagery and assemble all the elements into a visually interesting page layout. The layout should reflect the designer’s work.  You will need to construct a modular grid system and use visual hierarchy to help organise and group elements into a clear recognisable pattern that any reader can understand. (LO 1, M3)

For this assignment, some of the magazine designers that I was looking at was the likes of Ruth Ansel, who became a co-art director of Harper’s Bazaar in the 1960. I really liked the use of their large images and smaller pieces of text.

Alongside Bea Feitler whom was also co-artdirector of Harper’s Bazaar. Their covers are really colourful, something which I might use in my own cover.

Someone else I was looking at was Bruce Mau. I like how spaced out his designs are and his use of negative space in some of his pieces.

I also really liked this work by Neville Brody. I liked his use of colour, but also how he positioned his type on his layout. His use of imagery and geometric shapes I think is also very smart.


I also really liked this design by Studio Mut on Behance. I really like their use of colour and space on their layout.

Someone else I was looking at was Stefano Torregrossa I really liked their use of splatter brushes on one of their spreads. This is something I might use in my own design.  I also really like the use of space that they use. I feel it works well with the design.


To begin this magazine design, I done up some magazine layout sketches after looking at some editions of eye magazine:

For my magazine, I wanted to incorporate Andy Ristaino’s works as well as Jan Tschichold’s since I already had some illustrations from my Techniques and Processes

However upon beginning to bring my design to life in InDesign, I soon found out that my first design was far too text heavy as a double page spread on both Tschichold and Ristaino’s work.

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After this, I decided to change the complete layout of my magazine and instead went only for a single spread about Jan Tschichold’s work. After taking time to work it out, it proved to work better.Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 10.08.07Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 10.07.14

For the left page.. I took inspiration from Jan’s Design for Die Hose as the brief stated to look at some historical designs.. I feel like this really fitted the brief.


I also used the Golden Ratio grid for measurements

For the front cover.. I wanted something that was straight to the point but also had a graphic design feel to it, given that it was for Eye Magazine. So I looked into using some splatter brushes. I was also advised in our Peer Review to do some more experimenting so I feel like this will be a good chance to do so.

So I began to experiment with colours and images, and this is the end result. I really like how it turned out and I think I would use this effect with the brushes again.

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After I had the cover, I fixed up the final pieces of my design, making sure the type setting was right and everything matched the brief.


GD02_Lauren_Typography_Final_Evaluation _ Reflection_2017 – Google Forms