Visual Narratives

The title sequence that I have chose to analyse is Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It was designed by Danny Yount. He is a main title designer and a director for film and television based in Los Angeles.  He has earned two Emmy Awards and one Emmy nomination for his work. While worked for Prologue Films, he design and directed the main titles for films such as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Iron Man, Tron: Legacy, Sherlock Holmes and Iron Man 3.

He has also worked on projects such as Blade Runner 2049, Tyrant and Oblivion.

Times Magazine also said he created “TV’s most gorgeous opening credits sequence”

Danny’s Vimeo

  • Purpose (informative/entertaining/standalone/commercial/subversive  etc.):

The purpose of this clip was to be the end credits title sequences for ‘Sherlock Holmes: The Game of Shadows

  • Target audience and its implications

The movie ‘Sherlock Holmes’ was classed as a 12A movie. But I believe some of the transitions were too fast for younger audience members to capture.

  • Where the sequence is to be screened – implications

It was to be screened in the cinema. I don’t see any implications apart from the speed of some transitions.

  • Tone


  • Pacing

I think some of the transitions are pretty fast and would be hard for some audience members to capture.

  • Genre

The movie is a Drama/Crime genre with some comedic parts.

  • Balance between word and image

I think there is a good balance between word and image. While the credits are based on a book and flipping pages, the more important type is larger and in a different font.

  • Style of visual imagery incl type design
  • Sound design/soundtrack

The sound design is very intense.. it has a good beat bu

  • Script/voiceover

There is no voice over

  • Define some common narrative codes
  • Purpose (informative/entertaining/standalone/commercial/subversive  etc.)
  • Target audience and its implications
  • Where the sequence is to be screened – implications
  • Tone
  • Pacing
  • Genre
  • Balance between word and image
  • Style of visual imagery incl type design
  • Sound design/soundtrack
  • Script/voiceover
  • Define some common narrative codes

In an interview with Mouvo, Yout says motion design is like graphic design: “Traditionally motion design has always been graphic design in motion..”

This is my final piece:

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